
September 2024
Brussels 6th edition

Matrimony : Tangible or intangible good of artistic or historical importance inherited from women
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24 09 2022

Artists’ entourage : Feminist walk with Apolline Malevez

Guided tour
Matrimony Days 2022
10:00-12:00 Tour IT

On this guided walk, discover the 19th century artists’ entourages, to highlight the crucial role that their families (wives, sisters…), assistants, or servants often played in their career. Thanks to various artist homes and workshops, the guided tour addresses several forms of support work pivotal to artistic creation (care work, domestic work, creative collaboration, etc.).

Apolline Malevez has a P.h.D in history of art. Her research focuses mainly on the representations of domestic life and the private sphere in Belgium at the end of the 19th century, which she studies namely from a gender perspective.

480 Avenue Louise 1050 Ixelles | 20 people max. | FR | Registration required

L'architecture qui dégenre
Université Libre de Belgique
La Ville de Bruxelles
Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles
Cellule architecture
Commission Communautaire française