
September 2024
Brussels 6th edition

Matrimony : Tangible or intangible good of artistic or historical importance inherited from women
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28 09 2019

Discovering the matrimonial heritage with the historian Marianne Puttemans (ULB)

Guided tour
Matrimony Days 2019
14:00-16:30 Place du Béguinage

Marianne Puttemans has been teaching the history of architecture for more than 20 years at ULB. This real living encyclopedia will share the secrets of the Brussels heritage. Who were the "architect" women of past centuries? Where did the women get together to learn, to help each other, to work? How and in what way did they leave their mark and shape the city as we know it?

Place du Béguinage 1000 Brussels | Max. 25 people | FR (EN-NL upon request) | Registration required

L'architecture qui dégenre
Université Libre de Belgique
La Ville de Bruxelles
Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles
Cellule architecture
Commission Communautaire française