
September 2024
Brussels 6th edition

Matrimony : Tangible or intangible good of artistic or historical importance inherited from women
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29 09 2019

L-Tour with the sociologist and activist Marian Lens

Guided tour
Matrimony Days 2019
10:00-12:30 RainbowHouse

Marian Lens is an activist, sociologist and founder of the first lesbian bookshop in the capital. She organizes LGBTQIA + walking trails in Brussels: it is a great opportunity to hear unusual anecdotes and significant events about our lovely rainbow-coloured Brussels.

Rue du Marché au Charbon 42 1000 Brussels | FR-EN-NL | Registration required

L'architecture qui dégenre
Université Libre de Belgique
La Ville de Bruxelles
Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles
Cellule architecture
Commission Communautaire française