
September 2024
Brussels 6th edition

Matrimony : Tangible or intangible good of artistic or historical importance inherited from women
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26 09 2020

Stained glass workshop with the artist and stained-glass craftswoman Elora de Pape

Matrimony Days 2020
14:00-17:00 L'Ilot

Elora de Pape followed a training in comics at Saint-Luc (Brussels) then obtained a Arts and Crafts degree, option « art of transparency » at Olivier de Serres (Paris). She works on the creation and restoration of stained-glass windows in her new studio: L'Athanor. This workshop mixes traditional techniques and new symbolic and poetic vocabulary.

Rue de la Révolution 7 1000 Brussels | 10 people max. | FR (EN-NL-LSFB on request) | Registration required

L'architecture qui dégenre
Université Libre de Belgique
La Ville de Bruxelles
Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles
Cellule architecture
Commission Communautaire française